Can we talk about self-worth for a second?
In short, I'd like to say: "Be you, and own who you are, unapologetically". ❤️
1) You're intelligent.
Pease don't feel that you have to "dumb yourself down". We learn from each other, and you've a lot to offer to the world.
Side note: "Dumbing down" a post to keep things short, light, & funny is fine. I'm talking about honoring yourself as a person.
2) You're beautiful.
Your smile is the most beautiful asset of all. Own that beauty. Please don't post a wonderful picture of yourself and say, "Bad hair, tired AF, no eyeliner, but...". People see through your words (intelligence: see point 1) to the beautiful YOU already, then read your POST and 🙄. Don't do that to yourself. It's not needed.
If you're feeling a mess, and want to share, that's a different story. You can share how you feel, but there's no need to put yourself down.
3) Be authentically you.
Playful, childlike, outlandish, non-egotistical, creative, loving, compassionate, hopeful, light-filled YOU. At the core of you, you're not (insert negative adjective here). You were created to be a unique individual. Be the gift you bring. BeYOUtiful.
4) There is no such thing as a "perfect" person. Perfection has everything to do with what we think; it doesn't define what "is". There are so many versions of perfect, and what others think of you is none of your business (because you can't change what others think, you can only do what you know is right for you).
As Maya Angelou said, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attidude". She didn't say "if you don't like someone, change them...", because she knows that's not feasible / possible. Have compassion with yourself, and others. We are all here in this thing called life.
Instead of "good and bad", think in terms of what "is and isn't", followed by an action step. That should take you much further.
You're intelligent, you're beautiful, & the world appreciates the real (authentic) you.
Remember that.