Ready to Bring Your Dream Business to Life?
B‑School is an 8 week, interactive video-based training program that teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies to business owners who want more sales and more impact from their online presence.
Whether you’re brand new to business or established and ready to grow, B‑School will challenge you to execute at your highest level. It’s designed to turn your business into a force for good that fuels higher profits and your higher purpose.
Click "learn more" below and Marie Forleo's FREE 3-part business training series, as well as her FREE 6-step roadmap to launching and growing your business (limited time only)!
You'll want to. Trust me.
100% risk free
About Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo, a born-and-raised Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop and a dream, is proud to have created a socially conscious digital empire that touches millions.
Through her award-winning show MarieTV, world-class online training programs, a book in 16 languages and an audience in 195 countries, she helps people like you dream big and back it up with meaningful action to create results.
Marie Forleo, named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, shows you practical ways to become the person you most want to be.
Liz Strom is a B-School alumna, and affiliate partner (how exciting is that?!?). Years ago, Liz went from having an idea of how she wanted to create / shift her business, to actually creating a plan and implementing it to make her business grow--- all thanks to B-School (& George Mason University).
Liz Strom is offering a BIG BONUS PACKAGE to those who enroll in, and complete, B-School in 2018!
Stay tuned!